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The headline and subheader tells us what you're offering, and the form header closes the deal. Over here you can explain why your offer is so great it's worth filling out a form for.


  • Bullets are great
  • For spelling out benefits and
  • Turning visitors into leads.

Compare Side-by-side
Auto & Home 
Insurance Rates

Employees Save $1,092!*

It’s easy and takes just 2 minutes.

Get Started



See Why We’re the Market Leader in Employee Insurance Benefits

Delivering the lowest side-by-side rates from 20 carriers covering 50 states

  • Ensuring a perfect match for each employee’s insurance profile and needs

Including both Standard and Non-Standard national insurance companies

  • Allowing us to address all driving risks

Providing the market’s only quoting solution to offer both Group and Retail quotes together

  • Group Carrier under writing risk tolerance can be restrictive and therefore exclusionary
  • Adding Retail Carriers can help provide quotes to those drivers with an imperfect driving record

Fast and easy online quoting process

  • Takes just over a minute to receive quotes
  • Auto completes drivers’ and vehicles’ information from publicly available data to save time and enhance the quoting process

Offering both Payroll Deduction and Direct Bill Payment Options

  • Ensuring a perfect match for each employee’s insurance profile and needs

During Policy Renewal, We Receive Notification of Any Rate Increase Prior to the Policyholder

  • Allowing our agents to proactively shop and compare rates from other carriers before notifying the employee

In-House Insurance Agency Ensures Single Point of Contact for Entire Process

  • Our W-2 licensed insurance agents can answer questions, advise, and bind policies
  • Agents can also adjust an employee’s application and requote in real-time
  • Unlike other solutions, at no point are employees required to link out to carrier sites to compare rates and bind coverage

Get our Home & Auto Quoting Solution Today!

Expand your employee insurance benefits with BenefitHub.

*When switching, people save on average $590 on auto insurance and $502 on home insurance when bundling